I am incredibly proud of this project that I help illustratre. Over 100 images depicting stories form the Old and New Testament. It will be released February 25, 2025 published by Beaming Books.
You may preorder and download a free preview of The Just Love Story Bible at JustLoveStoryBible.com
Also available to pre-order at the following
A groundbreaking, justice-oriented storybook Bible for children and families.
In a bold and inspiring new storybook Bible for children, Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis and Rev. Dr. Shannon Daley-Harris join a long line of sacred storytellers and question-askers. For thousands of years, people have told stories, sung songs, asked hard questions, and shared experiences to learn about God and how to live as God's people. The big message of the Bible is that God loves us and created us to love God and each other, to do justice, and to love kindness. In The Just Love Story Bible, children and families are invited to open their imaginations, take hold of their belovedness, and understand that all people on earth deserve to be loved and to have dignity, equality, and justice.
he Just Love Story Bible includes:
Fifty-two Bible stories: Twenty-six from the Old Testament and twenty-six from the New Testament.
Bold, striking illustrations created by Cheryl "Ras" Thuesday, depicting gorgeous scenes and biblical characters in various shades of brown.
Cultural, religious, and historical context to help kids learn about the experiences of people in ancient times.
Exploration of genre and biblical storytelling styles in words kids can understand.